Sunday, March 14, 2010

24 hours

Now we all take it for granted - the electric, running water, lights, internet. I hate when the power goes out and usually escape to my parents house because they have a generator. So, after getting a new coal/oil furnace, we bought a generator a couple months ago. A couple weeks ago there was a huge snowstorm and we worried about the power going out so we bought the rest of the 'stuff' to hook it up.

Last night the wind broke the pole outside our house and the transformer was on the ground outside the basement. The wires were almost pulled off the house and were laying on DH's truck. 24 hours with no electric. It isn't that long really, yet seems like forever. 24 hours of no heat makes for a very cold 54 degree house. 24 hours and I'm feeling a dirty feeling head of hair. 24 hours and two children are starting to get cold feet and are bored. 24 hours later we thank the electric company technicians as they drive away. 23 hours later the generator is hooked to the furnace...

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